Take control of your health with quick and easy online care
Affordable and personalized virtual care for opioid addiction, weight loss, and urgent health needs.
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Quality care at your fingertips
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Convenient scheduling, 365 days a year
Appointments as soon as today
Hundreds of compassionate providers

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Book NowFrequently asked questions
View All FAQsWho can use QuickMD?
QuickMD patients must be located in the United States and residing in the state in which your valid photo ID is issued. QuickMD does not see pediatric patients, all patients must be 18+ years old.
What states is QuickMD available in?
QuickMD offers services in 48 states. For information on services available in a particular state please see our service map.
Does QuickMD accept insurance?
We do not accept insurance at this time. QuickMD strives to offer competitive, cash-pay prices for urgent care, addiction treatment, weight loss, and counseling services.
After your visit you can submit the visit summary to your private insurer for reimbursement.
How do I get started?
To get started
- Select your state, visit type, and a time that works best for you.
- Fill out your basic information and payment information to confirm your visit
Before your appointment, you will need to:
- Verify your ID
- Fill out the intake form
- Download the app on IOS or Android if you don’t want to use the web browser
- Check-in for your appointment
I am interested in your Addiction Treatment Services. How does it work?
QuickMD offers Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) services in most states. Please see our service map for exceptions. Appointments are $99 and do not include the price of medication. The price of the medication depends on the pharmacy you choose and your prescription drug coverage.
The induction visit is your first MOUD appointment. During this visit, your provider will prescribe a 7-day supply of buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone) to monitor your tolerance and make any necessary dosage adjustments.
The follow-up visit is included in the cost of the initial visit if completed within 14 days. After induction you will then transition to monthly appointments.